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BEING A voice for israel

our mission


I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in Canada where I spent most of my life confused by the meaning behind our many rules and customs. They were just empty traditions to me that couldn't fulfill my desire for something greater.

Although I didn't know it at the time, that desire was to have an intimate relationship with the living God.


After going through teenage rebellion & a crisis

pregnancy, I came to faith in Yeshua as my Messiah.

It was then I had an identity crisis. Was I a Christian? Was I Jewish? Do I wear a magen david or a cross? 




Founder of Voice for Israel Ministries

I began a journey of understanding God's Word (including my own Torah) and realized that following Yeshua it is the most authentically, Jewish thing anyone could ever do. 

I didn't convert to another religion, however, believing in Yeshua has revealed the significance behind the Jewish traditions & biblical commandments that are very precious to me today.


I'm blessed to be able to now share this truth with many of you around the world!

our ministry


Advocates for Israel

We are voices of truth in a world of antisemitic, bias media.


We encourage others to stand with Israel and share God's heart for this Land, and the Jewish people. 


Connecting you to the 
Jewish Roots of
our faith


We provide powerful resources to help further your faith and dive deeper into truth.

We believe the nations have been grafted into Israel and we are ONE family in Messiah!

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We provide teachings that unpack the significance of scriptures from a Messianic standpoint. 

In addition to our online materials, we speak internationally in congregations to help share this message with the world.


“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: The people of Israel will again live in their own land, the land I gave my servant Jacob.


For I will gather them from the distant lands where I have scattered them. I will reveal to the nations of the world my holiness among my people."

- Ezekiel 28: 25




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